Main / Geography and Environmental Sciences / Geography, land management and cadastre / Рыскельдиева Айжан Муратовна

Рыскельдиева Айжан Муратовна

Position Ст.пpеподаватель
Geography, land management and cadastre
Scopus author ID: 57190757940
Is hidden
       I, Ryskeldieva Aizhan Muratovna. She was born on April 19, 1981. Place of birth: Zhambyl region, Merken district, Aspara village. In 1998 she graduated from Asparin secondary school No.2. In the same year, she entered the full-time department of the Geographical Faculty of the Department of Physical Geography in the specialty "Geography" of the Al-Farabi Kazakh National University. In 2004, she defended her master's thesis on the topic "Problems of pollution of geosystems of Buzachi-Mangyshlak part of the Caspian Sea". In the period from 2018-2021, she studied (PhD) in a doctoral degree in hydrology - "6D061000".Work experience: Senior lecturer at Al-Farabi Kazakh National University (2005-2023); coordinator and project developer. AspanTau LTD LLP (2009- 2011); Scientific Secretary of the State Educational Institution "Kazmehanobr" (2018-2019). I speak languages: Kazakh, Russian, English. Married. Husband - Konyratov Kanat Shayakhmetovich. Children: Shayakhmet Akniet Kanatkyzy, Shayakhmet Alikhan Kanatuly, Shayakhmet Aisha Kanatkyzy. Together with my family I live at the address: Mamyr 4, house 315, kv 13.
First higher education
Educational institution Квалификация Expiration date
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби Магистратура 2004
КазНУ им. аль-Фараби Высшее 2002
File name Headline Description
Geobotanical research landscape
Geobotanical research landscape
Physical geography of Kazakhstan
Geobotanical research landscape
Physical geography of Kazakhstan
Geography of Eurasia
Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans
Physical geography of Kazakhstan
Geobotanical research landscape
Physical geography of Kazakhstan
Geobotanical research landscape
Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans
Geobotanical research landscape
Geobotanical research landscape
Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans
Geobotanical research landscape
Physical geography of Kazakhstan
Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans
Geobotanical research landscape
Physical geography of Kazakhstan
Physical geography of Kazakhstan
Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans
Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans
Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans
Physical geography of Kazakhstan
Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans
Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans
Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans
Physical geography of Kazakhstan
Physical geography of Kazakhstan
Physical Geography of Continents and Oceans


Рыскельдиева Айжан МуратовнаМақаш Қ.К. Білім беру жүйесінде инновациялық оқытудың маңыздылығы 2014 - г. 3 - стр. 0


Рыскельдиева Айжан МуратовнаНюсупова Г.Н. 2014 - г. 4 - стр. 0


Рыскельдиева Айжан МуратовнаБурлибаева Д.М., Бурлибаев М.Ж., Иканова А.С. Об изменении качества вод по гидрохимическим показателям поверхностного стока реки Ертис на приграничной территории с КНР 2020 - г. 7 - стр. 0


Рыскельдиева Айжан Муратовна 2011 - г. 5 - стр. Алматы
Author Documents



3 по 3



Clarke concentrations of heavy metals in surface waters of the transboundary river Yertis (Kazakhstan)

Ryskeldieva, A., Burlibaeva, D., Yerdesbay, A., Kamelkhan, G., Sarova, N.


Water Science
37, с. 18-27


Monitoring of the abrasion processes (By the example of Alakol lake, republic of Kazakhstan)

Abitbayeva, A., Valeyev, A., Yegemberdiyeva, K., Assylbekova, A., Ryskeldieva, A.


International Journal of Environmental and Science Education
11, с. 4164-4174

